Le 9 novembre 2010, les élèves de la classe 8º A sont allés
à E.L.A. (Station Littoral de Aguda), pour la visiter. Quand nous
sommes arrivés, on s'est dirigé à une salle et un instructeur à parlé
des marées,les marées hautes et les marées basses,des animaux qui
habitent les différentes zones de la plage, par exemple, les moules,
les crustacés, les molusques, entre autres; et une troisième
instructrice à parlé de la pollution de la mer: nous avons vu
différents types de filets et de plastiques qui tuent les animaux marins.
Ensuite, après l'intervale, nous avons respondu à un
questionnaire et nous avons parcouru la salle des aquariums, pour
chercher les animaux rapportés dans les questions.
Quand nous avons terminé, nous sommes entrés dans l'autobus
pour renter à l'École.
Mafalda Fernandes, nº20, 8ºA
quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010
Voyage d’études à ELA
Le 9 novembre, vers 8h:15m, nous (8ºA) sommes allés à Aguda - ELA, en autocar, pour visiter la ELA. C’était un voyage d'études de Sciences.
Là, on a assisté à une causerie, deux messieurs et une dame ont parlé. Le premier monsieur a parlé des marées, le second a causé des animaux marins. La dame à parlé de la pollution maritime. Le sujet que j'ai aimé le plus a été le troisième (pollution maritime).
Après, ils nous ont donné une fiche pour que nous découvrions les réponses dans les aquariums. On a vu des poissons, des tortues, une pieuvre, des plantes maritimes et aussi la plage.
Puis, nous sommes entrés dans l'autobus, on était très contents parce que nous pouvions chanter, rigoler, parler, etc.
Dans ce voyage d'études j'ai appris beaucoup de choses intéressantes et je me suis beaucoup amusée.
Vanessa Cristina de Brito Lopes, nº28, 8ºA
Là, on a assisté à une causerie, deux messieurs et une dame ont parlé. Le premier monsieur a parlé des marées, le second a causé des animaux marins. La dame à parlé de la pollution maritime. Le sujet que j'ai aimé le plus a été le troisième (pollution maritime).
Après, ils nous ont donné une fiche pour que nous découvrions les réponses dans les aquariums. On a vu des poissons, des tortues, une pieuvre, des plantes maritimes et aussi la plage.
Puis, nous sommes entrés dans l'autobus, on était très contents parce que nous pouvions chanter, rigoler, parler, etc.
Dans ce voyage d'études j'ai appris beaucoup de choses intéressantes et je me suis beaucoup amusée.
Vanessa Cristina de Brito Lopes, nº28, 8ºA
Cloning and its potential benefits and dangers
Cloning is a relative new technology that allows us to copy humans
and animals with identical genetic information.
It is also a way to give sterile couples a child of their own without going through the process of adoption. We can create and produce organs for sick people, which is better than clone a whole person and take him/her organs. It can help society to fight against diseases like cancer.
However, one of the biggest disadvantages of cloning is that this technology is very uncertain and unknown; besides, losing gene diversity is another drawback. There is also a risk of cloning because this process may be used wrongly, so it would have to be kept closely monitored. Furthermore, It is important to say that cloning may cause psychological and social side effects and so bring up several ethical problems.
Finally, there are those who are worried about the fact that cloning can allow Men to ‘play God’. It is really a good idea to create a replica or a copy of another human being?
Ana Rita Fernandes, 11º F nº 4
and animals with identical genetic information.
It is also a way to give sterile couples a child of their own without going through the process of adoption. We can create and produce organs for sick people, which is better than clone a whole person and take him/her organs. It can help society to fight against diseases like cancer.
However, one of the biggest disadvantages of cloning is that this technology is very uncertain and unknown; besides, losing gene diversity is another drawback. There is also a risk of cloning because this process may be used wrongly, so it would have to be kept closely monitored. Furthermore, It is important to say that cloning may cause psychological and social side effects and so bring up several ethical problems.
Finally, there are those who are worried about the fact that cloning can allow Men to ‘play God’. It is really a good idea to create a replica or a copy of another human being?
Ana Rita Fernandes, 11º F nº 4
quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2010
Programa Comenius – Parcerias entre Escolas
Professora Marcelina Vasques
Nowadays, we have access to a range of information concerning environment, so we are aware of its current state. Ever since the Industrial Revolution, humans have been damaging the planet, causing the most intractable problems.
These problems will have to be tackled by future generations. That’s us. All the changes in the environment have already caused loss of different living species, numerous natural hazards and they will continue to do so unless we do something to stop it. My main concern is that we might just be too late. As a result, I consider myself a green person, since I try to minimalize my impact on the environment by doing small but meaningful gestures, namely, saving water, energy and recycling.
The solutions are in our hands. All we lack is determination.
Márcia Vasconcelos , nº 21 11º B
These problems will have to be tackled by future generations. That’s us. All the changes in the environment have already caused loss of different living species, numerous natural hazards and they will continue to do so unless we do something to stop it. My main concern is that we might just be too late. As a result, I consider myself a green person, since I try to minimalize my impact on the environment by doing small but meaningful gestures, namely, saving water, energy and recycling.
The solutions are in our hands. All we lack is determination.
Márcia Vasconcelos , nº 21 11º B
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