O Homem, um ser de tamanha complexidade, há anos a ser estudado e, no entanto, a sua identidade permanece um mistério … É um ser numa busca constante, que nunca cessa, foi isso que tive a oportunidade de constatar ao longo deste ano.
Iniciamos o ano com Fernando Pessoa. “Querendo, quero o infinito.”, é uma frase bastante poderosa na minha opinião, que reflecte de forma inequívoca aquele que é o ideal do homem. Assim, Fernando Pessoa vê-se em busca do inalcançável, de uma “ impossibilidade perfeita”.
Também em “Os Lusíadas” vemos a mitificação dos heróis da pátria, aqueles que foram em busca do sonho, sem dar ouvidos ao bom senso, contra o que proferiu “O Velho do Restelo”. Avançaram com audácia … e triunfaram.
Não poderia falar de “Os Lusíadas” e não falar de “Mensagem”, uma vez que esta obra de Fernando Pessoa está intimamente ligada à primeira, de Luís Vaz de Camões.
Ao analisar com mais pormenor o poema “Ascensão de Vasco de Gama”, tive o privilégio de constatar, que esta figura mítica se trata, sem dúvida, de um símbolo de coragem, audácia e verdade … só assim foi possível a conquista da Índia por via marítima.
É precisamente esta busca infindável que define o homem. “ (…) o sonho comanda a vida/ (…) sempre que um homem sonha o mundo pula e avança (…)”. Quando um sonho se concretiza, apenas à que sonhar novamente. Esta é a realidade do homem, caminhar em direcção ao desconhecido … somos livres, e em liberdade escolhemos … ser felizes!
Paulo Jorge Pona, Nº22, 12ºE
quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011
Consumer Society
I agree with the idea that we live in an excessive consumer society.
People buy what they need and what they don´t need. Products that are important today become useless tomorrow.
Nowadays, people are superficial and selfish. We are always buying products that most of the time, we don´t really need. It is very hard to be satisfied and value simple things that life has to offer, like health, friends and nature. It would be interesting to join an association that aims at protecting people and nature against multinationals and their marketing strategies. In these antiglobalisation associations, we can interact with other people and share their perspectives. We can also discuss the environmental damages and the ethical problems, such as child labor exploitation. Although demos and protests aren´t always effective, they can change our minds and lifestyles.
Teenagers are our future and the sooner they realize that our planet is in danger, the better for our future.
Catarina Tiago, nº 9- 11º F
People buy what they need and what they don´t need. Products that are important today become useless tomorrow.
Nowadays, people are superficial and selfish. We are always buying products that most of the time, we don´t really need. It is very hard to be satisfied and value simple things that life has to offer, like health, friends and nature. It would be interesting to join an association that aims at protecting people and nature against multinationals and their marketing strategies. In these antiglobalisation associations, we can interact with other people and share their perspectives. We can also discuss the environmental damages and the ethical problems, such as child labor exploitation. Although demos and protests aren´t always effective, they can change our minds and lifestyles.
Teenagers are our future and the sooner they realize that our planet is in danger, the better for our future.
Catarina Tiago, nº 9- 11º F
Consumer Society
In my point of view it isn’t human that ten-year-old kids or even less work for big companies making running shoes. These kids don’t have the opportunity to go to school to learn and enjoy their childhood.
Companies exploit these kids with marketing campaigns, with hard work and miserable wages. They are very selfish and they only care about their success and money.
Nowadays our society consumes too much and buys things that are useless, things that people want and not things that they need. It’s very important that people start to think about these kids and everything that they are losing.
We can survive without big brands and we can wear clothes and shoes which don’t have a specific brand.
We should stop buying these products in order to give a decent live to poor kids. If they were our children, we wouldn’t like them to be exploited. So think before buying expensive goods and support kids from third world countries.
Vanessa Peixoto, 11ºB, nº26
Companies exploit these kids with marketing campaigns, with hard work and miserable wages. They are very selfish and they only care about their success and money.
Nowadays our society consumes too much and buys things that are useless, things that people want and not things that they need. It’s very important that people start to think about these kids and everything that they are losing.
We can survive without big brands and we can wear clothes and shoes which don’t have a specific brand.
We should stop buying these products in order to give a decent live to poor kids. If they were our children, we wouldn’t like them to be exploited. So think before buying expensive goods and support kids from third world countries.
Vanessa Peixoto, 11ºB, nº26
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