terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2012
terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012
terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2012
“The New Rulers of the World” Analysis
segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012
1ª Eliminatória das Olimpíadas da Biotecnologia
XVII Olimpíadas do Ambiente 2011/2012
segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2012
Man is playing God
Human cloning is the process of making people exactly like you for many motives which comprehend lots of good causes but also many terrible unethical ones, the reason why it is still forbidden.
Human cloning can hold some advantages like curing infertility, bringing immortality, producing life-saving medications and saving endangered species. The fact is that so many people like this idea – to live forever – but it’s not really that simple and beneficial. Yet, ifonetakes a careful look at the advantages one noticesthere’s another fantastic potential – curing sick people and other species,too.
On the other hand there are some cons like replacing adoption and substituting a deceased we loved, destroying human community, affecting the natural evolution of man. Cloning can also change what it means to be a human being because if we were made to be born, live and die why do we have to change this? We have no right to do it.
In my opinion human cloning is a bad thing because living in a clone’s world is not a world that I would idealize and I believe that each person has to have his/her own identity and has to be one and only. Besides, if life was meant to be the way it has been, I think that nobody has the right to change it and “reproduce” people to occupy space and fix the hearts of heartbroken people.
Marta Isabel Silva, 11º I, nº 21
Cloning is the production of genetically identical individuals. Cloning has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are, forexample, the treatment of infertility, bringing immortality, saving endangered species.The lives of people and, in some cases,the ones of animals can be extended.
The negative aspects are that cloning may replace adoptionbecause many children will lose the opportunity to be adopted and it may change, for example, what it means to be a human beingbecause cloning people is creating persons but not in a natural way.
So, we can conclude that cloning does have some positive aspects but that it is not natural and it cannot be seen as such a good thing. We can say that man is playing God, that is, man is interfering in the creation of beings.
Adriana – 11, I
Man is playing God – an opinion on cloning
My opinion on cloning could be summed up in that same sentence we have to write about: “Man is playing God”. Though I’m pro evolution and I think science and technology can provide us with excellent changes, devices, medicines and a comfortable way of life, as well as knowledge, there are some things that are not to be changed, i. e., humankind.
I defend Darwin’s evolution, not religious creationism but I understand the word “God” in “Man is playing God” as a symbol to represent something that is not controlled by Man. And it shouldn’t be. Even though cloning has its advantages, disadvantages can be worse. After all, through cloning, we don’t just lose our identity, but we start playing with nature, going against it. At some time, things may go wrong!
Man is playing God
In this text, I'm going to talk about human cloning, showing good and bad points on this subject, giving my opinion in the end.
In favor of human cloning we have the fact that this can extend life, making new human beings, saving endangered species, creating life-saving medications and bringing immortality.
Against this subject we have the fact that it can replace adoption and replace a dead child, which takes to the radical change of family structure. So, this is going to affect the natural evolution of man, compromising one's individuality and endangering genetic diversity.
So, in my opinion, human cloning is a bad thing despite having so many advantages. We are ourselves, all the human beings are unique and that's how it should be. Have a clone would be good at certain times, going to the school or doing something for us but we only live once, and we must take pleasure of our lives, creating our own personality and our own family, resolving the problems ourselves without needing someone very similar to us, without requiring a clone. Man cannot take the place of God. Man can't think that life is like The Sims game.
Joana Abreu, no. 11. I
segunda-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2012
Dia Mundial da Alimentação – 16 de outubro
No âmbito do Dia Mundial da Alimentação, a equipa do Projeto da Educação Para a Saúde aplicou um questionário relativo às refeições servidas na cantina da nossa escola.
Às questões propostas no questionário responderam o senhor Nuno – chefe do pessoal e seis funcionários da escola, entre os quais, se encontram funcionárias que atualmente exercem funções na cantina.
Das respostas dadas no questionário, constatou-se que antes do início das obras de requalificação da escola, o número médio de refeições servidas na cantina, semanalmente, rondava as 1.500 refeições, por outro lado, verificou-se uma redução no número médio de refeições servidas, semanalmente, nas primeiras semanas de aulas, deste ano letivo, na ordem das 400 refeições.
Relativamente ao grau de satisfação demonstrada, por parte dos alunos, no que diz respeito à qualidade das refeições servidas, quatro dos inquiridos responderam que os alunos não estão satisfeitos. As razões de insatisfação mais referidas foram: o excesso de sal na comida; comida de péssima qualidade, comida com gordura a mais; sopa sem qualidade; variedade de fruta escassa – só é servida maçã, laranja e pêra; a salada que consta da ementa semanal não é servida ou, quando existe é pouca; a ementa que está afixada para toda a semana não é cumprida; a quantidade de comida servida não é suficiente e, a maior parte das vezes, os alunos quase não “tocam” na refeição, tendo estas queixas sido corroboradas por três funcionárias.
Após a refeição, no momento da devolução dos tabuleiros, é constatado que a maioria dos alunos raramente comeu a refeição na totalidade; frequentemente a maioria dos alunos só não comeu a sopa; algumas vezes, a maioria dos alunos somente comeu a sopa, o pão e a sobremesa e outras vezes, há alunos que, apenas consomem o pão e a sobremesa.
Será esta a Educação Alimentar que queremos para os nossos jovens? Uma refeição cheia de sal, gorduras, sem verduras, com pouca variedade de frutas?
Pela análise das respostas obtidas, no inquérito, verifica-se que, de forma clara, os nossos jovens tem consciência que não estão a fazer refeições equilibradas.
Todos devemos promover hábitos alimentares saudáveis, para mantermos um bem-estar físico e psicológico e melhor qualidade de vida.
Afinal, a Escola é o lugar privilegiado de Educação ou de (Des)Educação?
A Esperança de que melhores dias virão, não deixa de nos acompanhar!
A equipa do PES